Tech VS. Childhood

In this study, we will be unpacking the effects of excessive screen time on children’s daily lives, exploring their perspectives on technology use, and identifying strategies to create a healthier balance.



Discover how iPads, Chromebooks, and Smartboards are transforming learning. Explore shifting styles, student behavior changes, and the pros and cons of tech in the classroom.

Social Media/Streaming/ Gaming

TikTok, streaming, and gaming are reshaping social lives and media consumption. Explore social media’s effects on children, body strain from devices, and how short-video scrolling impacts attention spans.

Parent's Perspective

Explore the effects of lazy parenting, setting tech limits, and how children mirror their parents' digital habits.

Children's Perspective

Discover how play has evolved, screen time habits, and the benefits and risks of tech use in children's lives.


"How to we reteach a kid to actually use the knowledge they have instead of opening a new tab" 

[Drew Branon]

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Too Much Tech, Too Soon
Colchester, Vermont, United States